Meet our property hunters in Paris 10th arrondissement

Paris – 10th arrondissement

Perle Rare has finalised 28 flat purchases in this arrondissement since 2005. High-quality apartments in this neighbourhood go for €11 to €13,000/m² (excluding notary fees), while the official average price is €9,920/m².*

Located in the north-east of central Paris, the 10th arrondissement is a multi-faceted area, hip and affluent in some parts, traditional working-class in others. Central and well-connected, the 10th sits snugly between the chic neighbourhoods of the centre and the working-class authenticity of the north-east. Lively and bursting with character, locals are proud to call the 10th arrondissement home.

6 districts:
– Château d’Eau – Lancry
– Goncourt – Canal Saint-Martin
– Louis Blanc – Aqueduc
– Porte Saint-Denis – Paradis
– Saint-Vincent de Paul – Lariboisière
– Canal Saint-Martin – Jemmapes

A diverse array of different atmospheres

Perhaps the most incredible thing about the 10th arrondissement is its capacity to change from one street to the next. Its many covered arcades and narrow passageways, such as Passage Brady and Passage Delanos, stand in stark contrast to the traffic and commotion of the Boulevard Magenta, Rue Lafayette and Boulevard Saint-Martin. The specialist hair salons and exotic grocery stores of Rue du Château d’Eau offer an unexpected taste of Africa in the heart of Paris, while the Gare de l’Est (Rue du 8 mai 1945) and Gare du Nord (Rue de Dunkerque) serve countless thousands of passengers every day. Meanwhile, along the Canal Saint-Martin (Quai de Valmy, Quai de Jemmapes), the atmosphere is one of prim and proper bourgeois tranquillity, with a real village feel. The quays of the canal are lined with bars and cafés, which spring into life when the sun goes down.

Strolling through the 10th

Despite its many monuments, including the Church of Saint-Vincent de Paul (Place Franz Liszt) and the Church of Saint-Martin des Champs (Rue Albert Thomas), the 10th arrondissement is one of the less touristy parts of Paris. The crowd here are mostly locals and residents of the neighbouring arrondissements. This is one of the city’s best spots for an urban promenade, particularly the picturesque passageways to the south of the arrondissement. The Art Deco Passage du Prado (just off Boulevard Saint-Denis) is one of the most popular, while the Passage du Marché (Rue du Faubourg Saint-Martin) has retained its genteel, old-fashioned charm. Other popular spots for a stroll include the Jardin Villemin park (Rue des Récollets) and the Cour de la Ferme Saint-Lazare (Rue Léon Schwartzenberg), two leafy oases of calm in this highly urban neighbourhood. Residents of the 10th arrondissement are always quick to point to their neighbourhood’s convivial atmosphere, which is nowhere more evident than in the indoor markets: Marché Saint-Martin (Rue du Château d’Eau) and Marché Saint-Quentin (Boulevard Magenta) are open every day except Mondays.
Lively, popular and diverse, the 10th arrondissement is constantly reinventing itself every day. From grand boulevards to narrow arcades, trendy cafés to indoor markets, historic monuments to peaceful parks, the 10th is an urban village which has it all – just ask the happy villagers!

* Source: Chambre des Notaires – 4th quarter of 2022. These are “net vendor” prices and not market prices (which are generally 4% higher)

Your property hunters

Laurence Berry, property hunter Paris 10

Laurence Berry,
Personal consultant

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Pascale Saint Jean, property hunter Paris 10

Pascale Saint-Jean,
Personal consultant

Decorator in the cinema industry and then in private homes, it was more recently in a french […]

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Caroline Charvet, property hunter Paris 10

Caroline Charvet,
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Caroline is a dynamic, available, quick and efficient woman […]

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Isabelle Lerre,
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Stéphane Trichard,
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Paris 10th arrondissement