Meet our property hunters in Paris 18th arrondissement

Paris – 18th arrondissement

Perle Rare has finalised 40 flat purchases in this arrondissement since 2005. High-quality apartments in this neighbourhood go for €12 to €15,000/m² (excluding notary fees), while the official average price is €9,480/m².*

To the north of central Paris, between the ring-road and the more genteel 9th and 19th arrondissements, the 18th is home to a melting-pot of different communities, including a growing population of hip, young professionals looking for an authentic slice of Parisian life. Lively and ever-changing, the 18th is a neighbourhood on the up where property remains affordable.

8 districts:
– Jules Joffrin
– Barbès – Château Rouge
– Grandes Carrières – Clichy
– Montmartre – Sacré Coeur
– La Chapelle – Marx Dormoy
– Porte de Clignancourt – Porte Montmartre – Moskowa
– Porte de la Chapelle – Charles Hermite – Evangile
– Simplon – Poissonniers

Cosmopolitan and bohemian

The 18th arrondissement is many things. Ask a local to name the defining image of this part of the city and they’ll most likely mention the famous Butte Montmartre, immortalised in song by Bruand, Piaf and Fréhel as the symbol of working-class hardship in Paris. As well as its historical associations with the Paris Commune uprising, Montmartre also has a rich tradition of cabarets, with locals and visitors still flocking to famous night spots such as Chez ma Cousine on Rue Nourvins and Sacré-Coeur on Rue Foyatier. Between the vines of Clos Montmartre (Rue des Saules) and the caricature artists on Place du Tertre, Montmartre retains the village-like atmosphere celebrated in the film Amélie. Some locals will tell you that this is the artificial side of their neighbourhood, and recommend instead the Goutte d’Or district towards Boulevard Barbès, whose range of exotic delis and restaurants reflect the area’s diverse population. More than half of all children in this part of town have at least one foreign parent!

Culture and night life

Those looking for a tranquil, residential neighbourhood should steer clear of the 18th! While some of the streets are indeed very calm – particularly those bordering on the 17th arrondissement, such as Rue Joseph de Maistre and Rue Fauvet – the majority of the 18th arrondissement is known for its animated feel. The Boulevard de Clichy is a good example. It is home to some of the capital’s top venues – including La Cigale, the Moulin Rouge and the Théâtre de l’Atalante – while also bordering on the more risqué Pigalle district. Rue des Abbesses, meanwhile, is dotted with little cafés and bistros where everybody seems to know each other, adding to that tight-knit village feel. Boulevard Barbès and Rue de Clignancourt are popular shopping streets, with a variety of stores attracting shoppers from outside the arrondissement. And of course, at sunset the steps leading up to the Sacré Coeur fill with star-crossed lovers. The panoramic view from the top is simply breath-taking.
The 18th arrondissement is often reduced to a pair of clichés: the tourists of Montmartre, and the risqué demi-monde of Pigalle and Goutte d’Or. But in fact, residents of the 18th enjoy living in a neighbourhood which is dynamic, lively, friendly and cosmopolitan; As such, the area has rapidly evolved in recent years, becoming increasingly gentrified.

* Source: Chambre des Notaires – 4th quarter of 2022. These are “net vendor” prices and not market prices (which are generally 4% higher)

Your property hunters

Laurence Berry, property hunter Paris 18

Laurence Berry,
Personal consultant

Before joining Perle Rare, Laurence spent several years working in commercial and marketing department […]

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Pascale Saint Jean, property hunter Paris 18

Pascale Saint-Jean,
Personal consultant

Decorator in the cinema industry and then in private homes, it was more recently in a french […]

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Caroline Charvet, property hunter Paris 18

Caroline Charvet,
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Caroline is a dynamic, available, quick and efficient woman […]

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Isabelle Lerre,
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Stéphane Trichard,
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Paris 18th arrondissement