Meet our property hunters in Saint Mandé


Perle Rare has finalised 1 flat purchase in this arrondissement since 2005. High-quality apartments in this neighbourhood go for €9 to €11,000/m² (excluding notary fees), while the official average price is €8,430/m².*

4 districts:
– Daumesnil
– Notre Dame – Saint-Michel de Picpus
– Tourelle – Begin
– Joffre

* Source: Chambre des Notaires – 4th quarter of 2022. These are “net vendor” prices and not market prices (which are generally 4% higher)

Your property hunters

Laurence Berry, property hunter Saint-Mandé

Laurence Berry,
Personal consultant

Before joining Perle Rare, Laurence spent several years working in commercial and marketing department […]

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Pascale Saint Jean, property hunter Saint-Mandé

Pascale Saint-Jean,
Personal consultant

Decorator in the cinema industry and then in private homes, it was more recently in a french […]

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Caroline Charvet, property hunter Saint-Mandé

Caroline Charvet,
Personal consultant

Caroline is a dynamic, available, quick and efficient woman […]

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Isabelle Lerre,
Personal consultant

Isabelle is an ultra-dynamic woman who knows all the secrets of real estate […]

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Stéphane Trichard,
Personal consultant

Our journalist and director! Stéphane works in real estate and property search for […]

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