Meet our property hunters in Sèvres


Perle Rare has finalised 2 flat purchases in this arrondissement since 2005. High-quality apartments in this neighbourhood go for €6 to €7,000/m² (excluding notary fees), while the official average price is €4,630/m².*

4 districts:
– City Centre – Cristallerie – Manufacture – Danton
– Beau-Site – Binelles – Renan – Chataîgneraie
– Croix-Bosset – Monesse – Brancas
– Les Bruyères

* Source: Chambre des Notaires – 4th quarter of 2022. These are “net vendor” prices and not market prices (which are generally 4% higher)

Your property hunters

Bénédicte Peynet, property hunter Sèvres

Bénédicte Peynet,
Personal consultant

Bénédicte is an accomplished sportswoman, a keen amateur actress and a blast of energy […]

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Guenola Reineau, property hunter Sèvres

Guénola Reineau,
Personal consultant

Guénola is part of the team that worked in finance! As a former auditor […]

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Catherine Balian, property hunter Sèvres

Catherine Balian,
Personal consultant

Catherine has more than one string to her bow.[…]

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